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Hi, Mahmud Ghazni Here. I’m a Professional IT Freelancer from Bangladesh. First of all, I apologize for making such a comment on your website. You may think this is spamming but I’m just doing this to draw the attention of those websites owner who need the help of an Expert.
Recently your website caught my attention while searching for something else. After entering the website, it seems that your website is brand new or not yet properly configured. That means you may need a professional help. And if that happens then, I think I’m in the right place. As a Professional IT Freelancer, I have been serving various IT companies in my country (Bangladesh) for the last 3 years. Due to the current Covid pandemic situation and the impact of the lockdown, many companies have closed down. That’s why I’m currently offering freelance services to international clients. Since I am a new Freelancer in the online marketplace, That’s why I’m trying to reach clients in various ways.
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If you need any kind of WordPress related services, Feel free to contact me. I am always ready to serve you. Hopefully, I will be able to gain your trust and satisfaction.
Best Regards,
Mahmud Ghazni
Email : mahmud.ghazni@yahoo.com
Phone : +8801322311024 (WhatsApp)
Website : https://ghazni.me